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Millennium Cohort Study Survey (2012)
Every 3 years, the Millennium Cohort Study team launches a new survey to "collect data to evaluate the health of service personnel throughout their military careers and after leaving military service."

For 2014, the survey was redesigned and went through a complete rewrite. The 2011 survey was based on CakePHP 1.2 (later updated to 1.3) and the 2014 survey uses the CakePHP 2 framework for historical consistency. To encourage code reuse, the site is powered by the mcSurvey project, which is intended to power several Millennium Cohort (and related) surveys. The flexibility of this project, combined with the CakePHP templating, allows for very different surveys to share same basic functionality such as administrative tools (survey reset, survey print, data view) and logging features.

The 2014 Millennium Cohort Study Survey is a collaborative work between William Lee and Gordon Lynch.

Powered by the mcSurvey CakePHP project

Sample Survey Page with Admin

Sample Survey Page with Admin

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