SolidCoding theme image
SolidCoding (2006)
Previous version of SolidCoding
The previous incarnation of this site, SolidCoding ran off of the SolidFramework PHP framework (redundancies abound). This site was originally created for William to keep track of work accomplished in a variety of areas but has grown into its current incarnation through the desire to keep up to date with the latest web technologies.

The original set of portfolio items on the old SolidCoding already filtered out many internal and consulting projects, and have been further refined into the set of projects you see now. Unfortunately it was difficult to acquire new screenshots of projects that are no longer live so some older entries were harder to flesh out in more detail.

This site was refactored into its current incarnation as a Symfony2 project. Many elements were retained, including the theme switching and overall look of the site, but the CSS and JS behind it is rebuilt from the ground up. The layout has been converted into a responsive Twitter Bootstrap design and the menu is now a Bootstrap component. The theme switching is now a GitHub jQuery plugin. The previous mobile site is gone due to the responsive design element. The animated tag-cloud-esque behavior on the right is a new addition and is a GitHub project as well. The RSS feed has been removed and replaced with social media icons, many of which are presented through the Foundation Icon Set. The front page has been altered for usability by removing the About text and replacing it with portfolio items, which are now presented as Thumbnails with filtering options. The pagination is done with Symfony2 PagerFanta bundle and the thumbnails are resized and cached using GD and the AvalancheImagine bundle.

Overall, both the back-end and front-end of the site have been greatly revamped without much impact to the overall 'look' of the site.
Portfolio List

Portfolio List

Portfolio Item

Portfolio Item

SolidCoding theme image